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It was 7:30am at Happy Days English School in Plymouth, when the caretaker, a Mrs Maria Neil, found the dead, lifeless body of Dr Timothy Sharp at the top of the stairs.
Dr Timothy Sharp was one of the most popular teachers at the school, or so it seemed...
This was how our first "murder mystery" session started, and the subsequent 60 minutes saw the interrogation of 6 suspects, played wonderfully by six participants of the session.
So who did it?*(keep reading to the bottom to find out who actually did it)
Mrs Samantha Jordan - another English teacher at the school who had been heard arguing with Dr Sharp the day before?
Mr Pablo Martinez - a student at the school who seemed to have an unusually close relationship with Dr Sharp?
Mrs Susan Sharp - the proud wife of Dr Sharp who was a local politician
Mr Paul Martin - the director of the school who has been struggling to keep the school alive during COVID
Miss Juliet Sharp - the daughter of Dr Sharp who is mysteriously left university
Mrs Maria Neil - the caretaker of the school who discovered Dr Sharp
This was our first "Murder Mystery" session, and both our "actors" and "observers" did a wonderful job.
We introduced the characters, they provided their alibis (="reasons that it wasn't them), and then each character revealed some more information that might help us understand whether they were the murderer or not.
And we also had a surprise visit from a policeman, who revealed that they had just managed to unlock Dr Sharp's phone and find an important clue:

At the end of the session, everyone had to place their guesses about who the murderer actually was.
And then it was finally revealed to have been....Mrs Susan Sharp, the unhappy wife. It turned out that Happy Days English School wasn't a particularly happy place, and Dr Sharp wasn't quite the hero that people thought he was.
The feedback from everyone (even the murderer!) was really positive too, so we will definitely do another one of these soon.

If you're a member of Leonardo English, keep a lookout for the next session. And if you're not yet a member but this sounds like fun, I'd love for you to check out our membership options.