After a new boy arrives at Hemsworth College, rumours start circulating that he is the son of a ruthless dictator.
When his father mysteriously dies on the last day of term, Miki is forced to rush back to Ankazahstan, and loses all contact with his friends from Hemsworth.
Years later, fate brings three of them together again…
Will George and Elizabeth manage to save Miki from himself, and what will happen if they can't?
Let’s be honest, most English courses are really boring.
You sit through some lessons where a teacher explains a grammar concept.
Phrasal verbs. Idioms. Collocations.
Eugh, it’s no surprise that most people never finish the courses they have spent their hard-earned money on.
If you’re reading this and nodding your head, let me tell you about a new type of course.
It’s called The Making Of A Dictator.
With this course, we have taken the concept of what an English course should look like and turned it on its head.
We think you'll love the result.
See, most courses look like this:
Teach some grammar, add some real-life examples (if you’re lucky). Hope you remember something...
Here’s how The Making Of A Dictator is different.
With this course, everything starts with a gripping story, narrated by three professional voice actors.
After each episode, we have a video lesson that goes into a language or grammar point in the story, and includes a quiz.
In this quiz, we also explain the answers in detail, so that you can really learn and understand the language point.
And each episode comes with a detailed transcript with key vocabulary (600+ advanced words & phrases), for you to review as you listen to the story.
What's more, we are releasing the story and lessons in serialised format (every day for 30 days), so you can follow the course together with an amazing group of curious and motivated learners.
The course will be posted live in our community, so you can ask questions, get grammar help, or chat with other students throughout the course.
We did this once before with a course called The Mules, and people loved it.
We're back for round two, and we think it's even better than before.
course content
course syllabus
This is a list of all of the language and grammar concepts we will cover in the course.
Course introduction
Describing people & coordinate adjective phrases
Conditional sentences
Future plans: will vs. going to
Describing the future: snap decisions & the future in the past
Descriptive language: idioms & visual language
Idioms & expressions
Describing speech
Conditional sentences
Idioms in the news
Time phrases: future plans
Conditional sentences: “As long as” & “Unless”
COULD for future possibilities
Conditional sentences: The third conditional
Describing future plans
Descriptive language: describing places
Conditional sentences: The Zero Conditional
Conditional Sentences: Review
Descriptive language
Wedding/marriage vocabulary
Use of “would”
News vocabulary
Idiomatic language
Present simple for future plans
Conditional sentences: Hypothetical past situations with present outcomes
Hope & wish
The future in the past: going to
Future plans: will vs. going to
Passive in the future
Course review
who this course is for
Do you like listening to podcasts or audio-fiction? Do you like English Learning for Curious Minds, Pioneers Of The Continuum or The Mules?
This is a 30-part audio-fiction series, so you should love it.
Every episode comes with a transcript and a vocabulary list so you will be able to catch everything in the story.
You know that your English grammar isn't perfect, and you have never really understood the difference between "I have been" and "I went".
But you'd rather eat a sock than sit down with a grammar textbook.
You'd like to learn in a more natural and more interesting way.
This course is designed for intermediate to advanced learners (B1-C1 level).
If you listen to our podcasts (English Learning for Curious Minds or Pioneers Of The Continuum), the course is at a similar level.
Or, if you can understand the text on this webpage without looking every word up in the dictionary, you will be fine.
happy students
This is our second story-based course.
People loved our first one (and here's what they said about it).
making english more interesting since 2019
Hundreds of thousands of curious independent learners learn with us every month.
Here are some more nice things people say.
gracias, merci, obrigado, danke, and ありがとうございました
I am so excited about this course, and I'm so thrilled to share it with you.
Remember, because we are releasing this "live", registration for the course is only open for a short period.
Registration will close at 23:59 on Sunday 3rd September, and it will not be possible to join the course again until 2024.
If you are ready to embark on a story-based adventure, I can't wait to welcome you.
Alastair - Founder of Leonardo English
Do I have to follow the course live?
How much time does the course take?
Can you tell me more about the lessons?
I took part in The Mules. How is this different?
Is there a discount if I am already a member?
What level of English is this for?
I’m a member. Does buying this course affect my membership?
Can I add the course to my favourite podcast app?
What is the refund policy?